Just finished listening to “Emacs, Doom, Vim, Lisp & Games - with Henrik Lissner, Emacs Doom Creator”. I say listen as I used Castro’s side loading feature to transform the YouTube video into audio that I could listen to from my podcast player app. youtu.be/LKegZI9vW…
Listening to Schubert: Winterreise, Op. 89, D. 911 by Roderick Williams 🎵
I’m often testing apps which make use of your location. Whilst I have various scripts to make this less frustrating sometimes it is less effort to just enter the location directly into the simulator. There is no keyboard shortcut assigned by default to setting a custom location. So I’m giving Paletro a try. This gives you a command palette for pretty much any application based off of the apps menu.
So far it is speeding up what I’m doing no end - fantastic! Great to see apps like this regularly appearing on my Setapp subscription.
Regardless of whether this particular device is actually going to make it to market, this is the type of innovation that we should be encouraging via public investment. I can’t see how technologies such as heat pumps are going to be suitable for the house I live in (terraced and 120 years old) which is common across Birmingham and other cities in the UK.
First microwave-powered home boiler could help cut emissions | The Guardian
Listening to Rebirth by Sonya Yoncheva 🎵
On occasion I come across what I can only describe as a lovely surprise - and this album fits that description.
Our children were not cooperative sleepers when babies and toddlers. Whilst my wife bore the brunt of years of our disturbed sleep patterns I don’t miss the early starts and fuzzy days coding on a poor nights sleep. Today has felt like a gentle reminder of those years through a combination of my own early waking over the past few days and unusually premature waking of both little ones. I’m looking forward to being more alert tomorrow.
Listening to Jolas: Ventosum Vocant by Ensemble Accroche Note 🎵
Listening to Con-ri-sonanza: Works by Thomas Simaku by Joseph Houston 🎵
Listening to Vivaldi - Paganini - Tartini by Nils Mönkemeyer 🎵
The default method of generating a .mbtiles database in QGIS (generate XYZ tiles) is showing gaps at certain zoom levels. Thankfully the QMetaTiles plugin seems to produce a working database for an offline mapping code. I’m using a historical map supplied as a JPEG rather than another tile source so never come across this issue before.
Useful website with breakdown of users on iOS 14 and 13 App Store - Support - Apple Developer