I feel as though I’m making progress with the Android ARCore task I’m working on - although painfully slowly. The Samsung S7 which I’m now using for this isn’t helping, but at least it has a compass unlike the newer Moto G9 I was using. I’ve got an S10 on order from eBay which should hopefully arrive later in the week.
Music Bar is a menu bar app that shows you what is currently playing on Apple Music. I’m very much enjoying this recent find. github.com/musa11971…
In the past I’ve been slightly scathing of using web technologies to create apps. However I’ve been investigating using Ionic for a potential client project. They already have a massive amount of code written for the web in Angular/TypeScript and this new project will need to work across platforms. It is business facing and wouldn’t be feasible with separate native apps written. Having played with Ionic this afternoon I’m impressed by how far these sorts of frameworks have come and now quite excited about recommending it for this particular project.
Finished reading: Foundation by Isaac Asimov 📚