Finished reading: Ready Player Two: A Novel by Ernest Cline 📚
Following on from yesterday’s experiment of offloading thoughts into Tot I’ve been trying to do the same with Org-roam.
I’ve created a little bit of elisp and added it to my .doom.d/config.el
(defun my-add-to-org-roam-daily-today (text)
"Add TEXT to the Org roam today daily as an item at the end."
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert text)
This creates a new command in Emacs for adding some text as an item to the end of today’s Org-roam daily.
The Alfred workflow calls the Emacs command via emacsclient (so Emacs will need to be running):
It isn’t very forgiving of single/double quotes (and may get confused by other characters potentially), however for my purposes of quickly adding a concise thought to my daily log it does the job.
I’m giving using a pomodoro timer a try again - specifically one from SetApp Session. In order to try and stop myself getting distracted I’ve created a new Alfred Workflow which allows me to quickly offload ideas which come into my head into Tot. Then at the end of a session I can review my distractions and either create tasks for them in Org mode or (more likely) put them in the bin.
Finished reading: PACHINKO by Min Jin Lee 📚
I use Org mode clocking for tracking time spent on billable tasks. Until recently I was using Hammerspoon and a hand crafted Lua script to show my current task, and total time spent, in the macOS menubar. However it had an issue - if I put my Mac to sleep it would stop automatically updating. I’ve now made the move to xbar which is so much simpler. I wrote a tiny zsh script to accomplish the same task which in Lua was tens of lines rather than lines you can count on one hand.